CAS Alumni
Zion (Zhongying) ZOU
Hey, my name is Zhongying Zou, here in Germany most people call me Zion. I have a very winding path behind me in my education. First, I studied German at the Sichuan International Studies University. I was among the top 5% of my year (2012: GPA 3.3) and decided to continue my studies in Germany. I applied for the exchange project between the University of Duisburg-Essen and Tsinghua University and was accepted. I completed my linguistic preparation at Communikation Akoun & Scholten and passed the DSH exam with DSH-3 (2013). I then studied sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen and graduated with a BA in 2017 (GPA 3.0, top 10% of the year). Parallel to my studies, I was involved in student initiatives in the areas of child support (UNICEF) and student education (AISEC and MOSAIC) and worked for Communication Akoun & Scholten in the China team. This gave me a lot of contacts and of course a lot of language practice and helped me to integrate into life in Germany.
At the Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management), which is one of the best and most renowned German business schools and also enjoys a high international reputation, I am currently completing my Master of Business Administration training part-time. This training is complemented by modules at Columbia University in New York, the Indian Institute of Management (Bangalore) and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).
Since 2016, I have worked for six months in internal recruitment at Shanghai JP International Search Consultants Co., Ltd. and then moved to Huawei and the representative office of the Huawei Consumer Business Group in Düsseldorf. Here I have been working as Ecosystem Strategist and User Experience Manager since the end of 2016. In contact with Huawei’s international customers, my trilingualism helps me.
The tortuous path of my training is, if you look at it from now on, not so tortuous. Everything I studied fits in with what I’m doing now: helping to shape the future between Germany and China.
CAS Alumni
Zion (Zhongying) ZOU
Hey, my name is Zhongying Zou, here in Germany most people call me Zion. I have a very winding path behind me in my education. First, I studied German at the Sichuan International Studies University. I was among the top 5% of my year (2012: GPA 3.3) and decided to continue my studies in Germany. I applied for the exchange project between the University of Duisburg-Essen and Tsinghua University and was accepted. I completed my linguistic preparation at Communikation Akoun & Scholten and passed the DSH exam with DSH-3 (2013). I then studied sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen and graduated with a BA in 2017 (GPA 3.0, top 10% of the year). Parallel to my studies, I was involved in student initiatives in the areas of child support (UNICEF) and student education (AISEC and MOSAIC) and worked for Communication Akoun & Scholten in the China team. This gave me a lot of contacts and of course a lot of language practice and helped me to integrate into life in Germany.
At the Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management), which is one of the best and most renowned German business schools and also enjoys a high international reputation, I am currently completing my Master of Business Administration training part-time. This training is complemented by modules at Columbia University in New York, the Indian Institute of Management (Bangalore) and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).
Since 2016, I have worked for six months in internal recruitment at Shanghai JP International Search Consultants Co., Ltd. and then moved to Huawei and the representative office of the Huawei Consumer Business Group in Düsseldorf. Here I have been working as Ecosystem Strategist and User Experience Manager since the end of 2016. In contact with Huawei’s international customers, my trilingualism helps me.
The tortuous path of my training is, if you look at it from now on, not so tortuous. Everything I studied fits in with what I’m doing now: helping to shape the future between Germany and China.
Version in Chinese
Zion (Zhongying) ZOU
我叫邹钟莹,在德国大家一般叫我Zion。我选择了一条与众不同的求学道路。我首先在四川外国语大学读了德语专业。2012年我以GPA 3.3的成绩作为年级前5%完成本科学业。那时的我选择前往德国继续我的学业。我申请参加了杜伊斯堡-埃森大学和清华大学联合组织的交换项目。我在Communikation Akoun & Scholten完成了德语预备课程并在杜伊斯堡-埃森大学的DSH考试中取得了DSH-3的成绩。我在杜伊斯堡-埃森大学就读社会学,并于2017年以GPA 3.0,年级前10%的成绩完成本科学业。在此期间我以学生身份在联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF),国际经济学商学学生会(AISEC),MOSAIC组织,以及Communikation Akoun & Scholten的中国办公室工作。工作期间我扩展了我在德国的社交圈,丰富了我的语言知识核对德国文化的理解。这些储备对于我扎根德国有着巨大的帮助。
早在2016年我就在上海JP 国际咨询公司从事了半年的内部人事管理工作,并随后加入了华为驻杜塞尔多夫的分公司。从2016年底开始我在华为担任系统生态决策师和用户体验项目经理。中文,德语和英语的语言优势使我在同国际客户的沟通中如鱼得水 。