CAS Alumni
Xin Wang
I first studied at Wuhan University from 1997-2001 and completed my BA in Electrical Engineering and Communications Engineering. In 2002 I was one of the first students to come to Germany within the exchange project between China and the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Within the first year I learned German at Communikation Akoun & Scholten and prepared myself for the DSH exam, which I passed immediately at the first attempt. Good work from both sides, I would say. Then I finished my diploma in electrical engineering at the UDE – a diploma corresponds today to a master’s degree. During my studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, I worked as a tutor in the „TuDu Team“ of the Studentenwerk and later as a tutor in the International Office of the University in order to help Chinese and other foreign students to find their way to the UDE. At the same time, I was chairman of the Chinese Community Duisburg from 2005 to 2008 and a member of the board of the association CASD e.V., the umbrella association of all Chinese student associations in Germany, from 2007 to 2009. The work at these different junctions between Germany and China has a great impact on me and helped me a lot.
After finishing my university education at the UDE, I started working in the logistics sector – and here also at the interfaces of goods traffic between Germany and China. After working for JCB (Düsseldorf) and DHL (Duisburg) and Denamic Logistik (Stuttgart), I have now (2019) worked for two years for a Dutch company in Amsterdam (ECMS). I have been in Germany for 17 years now and work as an intermediary between Europe and China and I and my family like that very much.
CAS Alumni
Xin Wang
I first studied at Wuhan University from 1997-2001 and completed my BA in Electrical Engineering and Communications Engineering. In 2002 I was one of the first students to come to Germany within the exchange project between China and the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Within the first year I learned German at Communikation Akoun & Scholten and prepared myself for the DSH exam, which I passed immediately at the first attempt. Good work from both sides, I would say. Then I finished my diploma in electrical engineering at the UDE – a diploma corresponds today to a master’s degree. During my studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, I worked as a tutor in the „TuDu Team“ of the Studentenwerk and later as a tutor in the International Office of the University in order to help Chinese and other foreign students to find their way to the UDE. At the same time, I was chairman of the Chinese Community Duisburg from 2005 to 2008 and a member of the board of the association CASD e.V., the umbrella association of all Chinese student associations in Germany, from 2007 to 2009. The work at these different junctions between Germany and China has a great impact on me and helped me a lot.
After finishing my university education at the UDE, I started working in the logistics sector – and here also at the interfaces of goods traffic between Germany and China. After working for JCB (Düsseldorf) and DHL (Duisburg) and Denamic Logistik (Stuttgart), I have now (2019) worked for two years for a Dutch company in Amsterdam (ECMS). I have been in Germany for 17 years now and work as an intermediary between Europe and China and I and my family like that very much.
Version in Chinese
Xin Wang
我于1997年至2001年在武汉大学获得了电子通讯技术专业的本科学位。2002年,作为第一批中国和杜伊斯堡埃森大学交流项目的学生,我来到了德国。在最初的几年我在communikation Akoun & Scholten学习德语并为DSH考试做准备,之后我一次性通过了DSH考试。我想说这得益于双方的努力。随后我在杜伊斯堡埃森大学完成了电子技术专业的本硕连读(Diplom),文凭相当于今天的硕士学位。在杜伊斯堡埃森大学求学期间我在校学生会担任“TuDu Team“的助教,之后为了帮助来杜伊斯堡埃森大学的中国和其他国家的留学生,我在校国际办公室担任助教。同时在2005年至2008年我担任杜伊斯堡华人协会主席,2007年至2009年我担任中国留学生协会总会董事会成员。在这些不同的中德交换机构工作的经历对我有很大影响也很有助益。
结束了在杜伊斯堡埃森大学的学业后,我开始在物流领域工作,此外还从事中德货物运输方面的工作。在JCB(杜塞尔多夫)和DHL(杜伊斯堡)和Denamic Logistik(斯图加特)工作之后,我现在(2019年)在一家位于阿姆斯特丹的荷兰公司(ECMS)工作了两年。我已经赴德17年了,并从事欧洲和中国事物有关的工作,我和我的家人都很喜欢这份工作