CAS Alumni
Dr. Wenting Sheng
I studied at Shanghai International Studies University for three years and then went to Germany with my BA in German and British Studies. I belonged to the first group of students from the exchange program between the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and Tsinghua University in Beijing. After my language course at Communikation Akoun & Scholten, in which I prepared for the DSH exam (thanks to my lecturers Heike, Lothar and Daniel!), I started a master study at the UDE. My subjects were German Studies, Economics and American Studies. After successfully completing my studies, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammon, who passed away in 2019, offered me a Ph.D. project. I worked on the topic „Language Promotion Policy of Germany, Great Britain and China in Comparison“ and completed the project in 2015 with the publication of my thesis and my doctoral examinations. During the time of my doctorate I also worked as a scientific assistant to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammon at the UDE.
After completing my university education, I have been working for four years (as of 2019) first as an Intercultural Consultant in the field of Business Communication, then as Global Assignment Manager (APAC) at the ICUnet.Group in Hamburg. I have found my place and I am working on deepening German-Chinese economic relations and consolidating global cooperation.
CAS Alumni
Dr. Wenting Sheng
I studied at Shanghai International Studies University for three years and then went to Germany with my BA in German and British Studies. I belonged to the first group of students from the exchange program between the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and Tsinghua University in Beijing. After my language course at Communikation Akoun & Scholten, in which I prepared for the DSH exam (thanks to my lecturers Heike, Lothar and Daniel!), I started a master study at the UDE. My subjects were German Studies, Economics and American Studies. After successfully completing my studies, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammon, who passed away in 2019, offered me a Ph.D. project. I worked on the topic „Language Promotion Policy of Germany, Great Britain and China in Comparison“ and completed the project in 2015 with the publication of my thesis and my doctoral examinations. During the time of my doctorate I also worked as a scientific assistant to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ammon at the UDE.
After completing my university education, I have been working for four years (as of 2019) first as an Intercultural Consultant in the field of Business Communication, then as Global Assignment Manager (APAC) at the ICUnet.Group in Hamburg. I have found my place and I am working on deepening German-Chinese economic relations and consolidating global cooperation.
Chinesische Version
Dr. Wenting Sheng
我在上海外国语大学进行了为期三年的学习并取得了德语和英语专业的本科学位,之后我来到了德国。我是第一批通过北京清华项目参加杜伊斯堡埃森大学交流项目赴德的学生。我在communikation Akoun & Scholten学习德语并为DSH考试做准备(感谢我的老师Heike, Lothar和Daniel!),那之后我开始了在杜伊斯堡埃森大学的硕士学业。我的专业是德意志语言文学,经济学和英美文学。硕士顺利毕业后Ulrich Ammon教授(逝于2019年)给我提供了博士项目。我的博士论文题目是“德国,英国和中国的语言推广政策的比较”,并在2015年完成了我的博士论文和博士考试。读博期间我也在杜伊斯堡埃森大学的Ulrich Ammon教授处担任学术助理。