Mission statement
Identity and mission
Our company Communikation Akoun & Scholten was founded in 2000 and is a training company, German course provider and licensed language test center that specializes in interpersonal communication and its many facets. We see communication as the key to successful learning, understanding and success in our globalized culture. We would like to support our customers with our offer to increase their communication skills (at whatever level) in order to be able to expand their options for action and their satisfaction in studies, work and everyday life.
Our services
We offer the following services:
- Intensive German courses on the levels A1-C1 (according to CEFR)
- Integration courses (A1-B1) and German for professional purposes (B2, C1) funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- German examinations and preparatory courses: telc, TestDaF
- placement test onSET und aptitude test for foreign students TestAS
- English examinations and preparatory courses: TOEFL
- consulting, coaching, supervision (personal and professional changes and crises, development and new orientation)
- intercultural trainings for private persons, students, universities and companies (German-Chinese, German-Indian, German-French)
- workshops language and writing (administrative German, writing protocols and more)
- application training, career orientation , starting a business
Our actions are guided by the conviction that there are resources in every human being that need to be promoted. The personality of the individual customer forms the central anchor of our self-image. We would like to get to know you and your wishes and ideas through personal contact, conversations and exchanges. Everything with us arises in personal conversation, in open communication.
We understand every educational work as personal development and approach it accordingly. Our work perspective is intercultural in the broad sense of the word. We welcome you as a representative of every culture, language and nationality with openness, respect and trust and offer you, together with us, to find and tread new ways of communication.
We approach our customers with open eyes and ears. Personal exchange is the basis of our customer acquisition and we are convinced of its effectiveness. Our experience is that this attitude leads to fruitful relationships, networks and customer loyalty.
In view of our very broad range of offers, we have many different clients and participants, addressees and target groups. Our clients and cooperation partners include:
- University of applied sciences “DIPLOMA Fachhochschule Nordhessen”
- University of applied sciences Hamm-Lippstadt
- University of Duisburg-Essen
- the city of Duisburg
- the Fereral Office for Migration and Refugees
- Das Bildungszentrum Handwerk
- insurance Care Concept
- private persons
- schools
- companies
Corporate goals
Sustainability is our first corporate goal. By sustainability we mean establishing a teaching and learning structure that leads to sustainable success for our customers and to safeguarding the jobs of our employees. Personal exchange is also the focus of contact with our team members. Establishing and maintaining an open and trusting communication culture between management and employees is another important concern of ours. After all, our professional teamwork, which is a guarantee for the quality of the offers in the various work areas of our company, is just as important a guide to ensure the satisfaction of employees and customers in the long term.
But the whole thing serves a very idealistic goal, which is probably to be seen as the main goal of the company: to make a contribution to the pacification of our social intercultural community.
Our team has high technical and social skills. In addition, independence is a hallmark of all of our employees. A sense of responsibility, competent advice and open communication characterize the work culture of our teams – whether lecturers or administrative staff. A lived intercultural perspective forms part of our attitude towards our customers. Advice, personal support and organization round off the competence profiles of our employee teams.
In addition to our in-house offer, we can offer our courses and events adequately thanks to our premises: We have 10 classrooms and a language laboratory, a secretariat, two management offices and a meeting room. Our building at Kranichstraße 21 is a former school building that has plenty of parking spaces on the courtyard.
Successful learning
To describe our idea of successful learning, let’s dive into the history of the word. The word “learning” is related to the Gothic “lais” (for example: “I know” or “I have traced”), which can be traced back to the Indo-European root * lais (for example: “track, path, furrow”). Learning therefore has at least two facets. It means on the one hand that learning leaves traces and on the other hand that learning originally corresponds to the activity of tracing.
In the specific case of our language courses, these definitions mean:
The desire for and interest in the language should be aroused and strengthened by appropriate teaching methods that enable a playful, independent and self-determined approach. In their lessons, our lecturers leave traces that the participants follow to a defined goal. These traces are then ideally on the one hand the memory traces in their heads and on the other hand the “language experiences” with all sorts of people in, before and after the lesson who have solidified the learning content.
In general, however, a learning process has succeeded for us when new experiences have led to new opportunities in the interpersonal field and thus our own scope for action in dealing with people has increased.
Mission statement
Identity and mission
Our company Communikation Akoun & Scholten was founded in 2000 and is a training company, German course provider and licensed language test center that specializes in interpersonal communication and its many facets. We see communication as the key to successful learning, understanding and success in our globalized culture. We would like to support our customers with our offer to increase their communication skills (at whatever level) in order to be able to expand their options for action and their satisfaction in studies, work and everyday life.
Our services
We offer the following services:
- Intensive German courses on the levels A1-C1 (according to CEFR)
- Integration courses (A1-B1) and German for professional purposes (B2, C1) funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- German examinations and preparatory courses: telc, TestDaF
- placement test onSET und aptitude test for foreign students TestAS
- English examinations and preparatory courses: TOEFL
- consulting, coaching, supervision (personal and professional changes and crises, development and new orientation)
- intercultural trainings for private persons, students, universities and companies (German-Chinese, German-Indian, German-French)
- workshops language and writing (administrative German, writing protocols and more)
- application training, career orientation , starting a business
Our actions are guided by the conviction that there are resources in every human being that need to be promoted. The personality of the individual customer forms the central anchor of our self-image. We would like to get to know you and your wishes and ideas through personal contact, conversations and exchanges. Everything with us arises in personal conversation, in open communication.
We understand every educational work as personal development and approach it accordingly. Our work perspective is intercultural in the broad sense of the word. We welcome you as a representative of every culture, language and nationality with openness, respect and trust and offer you, together with us, to find and tread new ways of communication.
We approach our customers with open eyes and ears. Personal exchange is the basis of our customer acquisition and we are convinced of its effectiveness. Our experience is that this attitude leads to fruitful relationships, networks and customer loyalty.
In view of our very broad range of offers, we have many different clients and participants, addressees and target groups. Our clients and cooperation partners include:
- University of applied sciences “DIPLOMA Fachhochschule Nordhessen”
- University of applied sciences Hamm-Lippstadt
- University of Duisburg-Essen
- the city of Duisburg
- the Fereral Office for Migration and Refugees
- Das Bildungszentrum Handwerk
- insurance Care Concept
- private persons
- schools
- companies
Corporate goals
Sustainability is our first corporate goal. By sustainability we mean establishing a teaching and learning structure that leads to sustainable success for our customers and to safeguarding the jobs of our employees. Personal exchange is also the focus of contact with our team members. Establishing and maintaining an open and trusting communication culture between management and employees is another important concern of ours. After all, our professional teamwork, which is a guarantee for the quality of the offers in the various work areas of our company, is just as important a guide to ensure the satisfaction of employees and customers in the long term.
But the whole thing serves a very idealistic goal, which is probably to be seen as the main goal of the company: to make a contribution to the pacification of our social intercultural community.
Our team has high technical and social skills. In addition, independence is a hallmark of all of our employees. A sense of responsibility, competent advice and open communication characterize the work culture of our teams – whether lecturers or administrative staff. A lived intercultural perspective forms part of our attitude towards our customers. Advice, personal support and organization round off the competence profiles of our employee teams.
In addition to our in-house offer, we can offer our courses and events adequately thanks to our premises: We have 10 classrooms and a language laboratory, a secretariat, two management offices and a meeting room. Our building at Kranichstraße 21 is a former school building that has plenty of parking spaces on the courtyard.
Successful learning
To describe our idea of successful learning, let’s dive into the history of the word. The word “learning” is related to the Gothic “lais” (for example: “I know” or “I have traced”), which can be traced back to the Indo-European root * lais (for example: “track, path, furrow”). Learning therefore has at least two facets. It means on the one hand that learning leaves traces and on the other hand that learning originally corresponds to the activity of tracing.
In the specific case of our language courses, these definitions mean:
The desire for and interest in the language should be aroused and strengthened by appropriate teaching methods that enable a playful, independent and self-determined approach. In their lessons, our lecturers leave traces that the participants follow to a defined goal. These traces are then ideally on the one hand the memory traces in their heads and on the other hand the “language experiences” with all sorts of people in, before and after the lesson who have solidified the learning content.
In general, however, a learning process has succeeded for us when new experiences have led to new opportunities in the interpersonal field and thus our own scope for action in dealing with people has increased.